Church business is conducted by a vestry of nine to ten members including a representative from St. Swithin's and a youth representative. They serve three-year terms. The Rector appoints a Senior Warden, and the Vestry elects a People's Warden and a Clerk. The vestry establishes sub-committees as needed: a Finance Committee, a Scholarship Committee, and a Legacy Committee. For the transition, the vestry appointed a Profile Committee, a Call Committee, and a Welcoming Committee. All sub-committees report to Vestry.

Based on feedback from the congregation, the Senior Warden, People's Warden and Interim Rector are hoping to strengthen communication with church members by appointing a "People's Warden" whose focus is listening, encouraging involvement in church life and bringing concerns to the Vestry. The business of the church budgets, policies, and procedures continues to be the vestry's focus but with an added emphasis on transparency, connectedness, and innovation.

Seven to ten members, including a youth representative and a St. Swithin's member, comprise this team.

Your vestry:

Senior Warden - Gretchen VanBlair

People's Warden - Dick VanCalcar


Chris Tuttle
David Mattern
John Mitchell
Terry Breen
Jerry Stephanz - Treasurer
Pepper Reymond - Youth Rep
John Bays
Philip Young
Sue Pichotta