About our Worship

Rite II - The Rite II liturgies reflect more fully the influence of the liturgical movement and contemporary teology. Rite II liturgies tend to reflect greater sensitivity for inclusive language issues.
All Are Welcome: No matter where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome to worship with us. The Episcopal Church invites all to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. You may receive the bread, the wine, or both, or a blessing.
Handicapped Accessible: St. Andrew's is recognized by the National Organization on disABILITY for its accessability. We have an elevator for accessibility to the lower level.
Child care: The people of St. Andrew's provide nursery and preschool childcare (infants and children younger than age 5) on Sundays. We start at 9:00 AM during the months we have children's Sunday school. Childcare is provided year round during worship beginning at 10:00 AM until the coffee fellowship after worship. All volunteers have Safeguarding God's Children certification by the Diocese of Olympia and at least two people are always present with the children. At least two trained people are with the children at all times.