Church business is conducted by a vestry of five to eight members including a representative from St. Swithin's Mission in Forks. They serve three-year terms. The Rector appoints a Senior Warden, and the Vestry elects a Junior Warden and a Clerk. The vestry establishes sub-committees as needed: e.g. a Finance Committee, a Scholarship Committee, and a Legacy Committee. All sub-committees report to Vestry.
Based on feedback from the congregation, the Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Rector work to strengthen faith, fellowship, and outreach as well as other ministries of the church. The business of the church budgets, policies, and procedures continues to be the vestry's focus but with an added emphasis on transparency, connectedness, and innovation.
Your vestry:
Senior Warden - Sandy Long
Jr. Warden - Dick VanCalcar
St. Swithin's - Martin Dillon
George James
Angela Reynolds