One Parish One Prisoner

Our team is working closely with Lytezia as she transitions from prison to community life. They will be going with her to shop for clothes and other essentials, and they'll walk beside her to navigate such tasks as getting a driver's license and preparing for employment. To this end, our team has asked us to support them with financial donations.  
To make a donation:
  • To donate with a check, make the check payable to St. Andrew's with OPOP in the memo line and drop it in the offering plate.
  • For a cash donation, envelopes are available on the table next to the font.
  • To donate electronically, go to our website , click on GIVE, and follow the prompts to donate on our secure donation page Vanco.
If you have questions, you can speak to a team member: Steve Deutermann, Linda Snyder, John Bays, Angela Reynolds, Steve Cole, Vanessa Gunther, Paul & Deb Hansen and Laura+ Murray.