I'm New Here

Depending on where you're coming from, walking into a new church can be a daunting experience. Whether you are exploring Christianity, Episcopalians, or just looking for a church home, you probably have a few questions.

What is the style of this church? Are there things about the service I should know before dropping in?

Well, St. Andrew's is an Episcopal church, which means questions (about everything!) are welcome. The service itself (called a Eucharist) is pretty easy to follow and there's even a bulletin (a program) to tell everybody what's happening. We sing, we pray, we consecrate bread and wine as the representation of Jesus present among us (also known as Holy Communion).

All Are Welcome: No matter where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome to worship with us. The Episcopal Church invites all to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. You may receive the bread, the wine, or both, or a blessing.

How long does the service last?

The normal Sunday Eucharist lasts about one hour.

What should I wear?

Whatever seems decent to you. Some members of the congregation wear their traditional "Sunday Best", others prefer to stay casual - especially if they've dressed up all week. We'll welcome you either way.

What is the worship like?

The Episcopal church is a liturgical church, meaning that our worship has a structure. We hear a Bible reading and a message that is relevant to our lives, our relationships with God and others, our world, and gives us direction. These messages are not dry or boring. Be prepared to look at scripture in a new way, from a different perspective. Be prepared to think, reflect, laugh, be inspired. After the message, we pray together for the needs of the world, our local community and our friends.

8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist, Rite I
The Rite I liturgies reflect the language and piety of the Elizabethan era and the first Book of Common Prayer (BCP), although the structure of these liturgies also reflects the influence of modern liturgical scholarship.

10:00 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
The Rite II liturgies reflect more fully the influence of the liturgical movement and contemporary teology. Rite II liturgies tend to reflect greater sensitivity for inclusive language issues..

5:00 pm -- at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Forks.

Family's First Visit

To the parents of our youngest visitors, may we suggest...

Relax. God put the wiggle in children! All are welcome to our join us for worship. Here are some helpful ideas to engage your little ones during worship:

(1) Children are welcome to participate in worship. It's a ritual into which they can grow, and it will feed them through their whole life.

(2) Sit up front! Yes, you read this correctly. Children are most engaged when they can see what is happening. After all, a liturgy is a drama that unfolds, and there is lots to notice for kids and adults.

(3) Children and youth programs are scheduled throughout the school year. Vacation Bible School is offered in the summer. Please contact Sally Bays ([javascript protected email address]), our Director of Children and Youth, to sign your child up.

Child Care...

Child care is available. Please contact the church ([javascript protected email address]), for more information.

Where do I come into the church?

St. Andrew's is at 510 E Park (just East of the High School). Park on the West side of the building and come in through the double doors under the walkway. Someone will welcome you and make sure you have a bulletin and anything else you need for the service.

In Forks we meet at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 250 N Blackberry Ave, Forks, WA 98331.

We are delighted that you are thinking about joining us for worship, and we want to make sure your time with us is fruitful. As a parish we are committed to welcoming all who enter our doors, especially you.

We know that each visitor to our church has walked a different path that has led to the doors of St. Andrews's. We're here to invite you in and walk the next steps with you.

Handicapped Accessible: St. Andrew's is recognized by the National Organization on disABILITY for its accessability. We have an elevator for accessibility to the lower level.

If you'd like to ask any questions before your first visit, we invite you to contact Rev. Karen Schomburg ([javascript protected email address]). She will be happy to answer your questions, or find the person who can. St. Andrews's Episcopal Church is a LGBTQ+ welcoming community.

We hope to see you on Sunday!

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