St. Andrew’s eNews

March 26, 2024

What’s Happening


Tuesday, 3/26 at 2 pm - Centering Prayer  

Tuesday, 3/26 at 3 pm -  Cancelled - Bible Study with the Rector

Wednesday, 3/27 at 8:30 am - Morning Prayer

Wednesday, 3/27 at 11 am - Holy Eucharist

Thursday, 3/28 - Maundy Thursday Service at 7 pm

Thursday, 3/28 - Friday, 29 - Overnight Watch from 8 pm-8 am

Friday, 3/29 - Stations of the Cross at noon

Friday, 3/29 - Good Friday Proper Liturgy at 7 pm

Sunday, 3/31 - Easter Vigil at 5:30 am

Sunday, 3/31 - Festive Easter Holy Eucharist at 10 am

Sunday, 3/31 - Easter Brunch Potluck following Eucharist

Tuesday, 3/26 at 2 pm - Centering Prayer

Tuesday, 3/26 at 3 pm -  Bible Study Cancelled

Tuesday Rector’s Bible Study - Cancelled

 No Bible Study on March 26 (Holy Week). We’ll see you next week!

Wednesday Holy Eucharist - 11 am

Spy Wednesday

The Gospel reading, from John, recounts Jesus revealing which disciple will betray him. Yes, it is Judas.

According to Lent Madness, “Spy Wednesday gets its name because this is the day on which Judas betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin. Because Judas is thought to be sneaky, his actions conjured up the image of a spy.”

This is another opportunity to come and worship in this most solemn week.

Maundy Thursday @ 7 pm

The Maundy Thursday Eucharist commemorates the Last Supper. We remember Jesus taking the bread and wine, declaring them to be his Body and Blood, and giving himself for his disciples. As he washed the feet of his friends before dinner, so we will wash each other’s feet during worship. Doing so, we live out Jesus’ commandment to love by serving others.

Garden of Repose & Overnight Vigil, Thursday 8:30 pm - Friday 8:00 am

This vigil is meant to parallel the time when Jesus asked the disciples to keep watch and pray with him as he prayed to God at Gethsemane under the crippling weight of what was going to transpire. Sign up for an hour to stay with Jesus.

Stations of the Cross, Friday @ noon

Walk with Jesus on his journey to the cross through St. Andrew’s Stations of the Cross in the nave of the church.

Good Friday Proper Liturgy  @ 7 pm

Good Friday marks the death of Jesus on the cross. This solemn service includes the story of Christ’s passion and times of silence and intercession. 

Easter Vigil, Sunday @ 5:30 am (Bring bells to ring at the Acclamation)

In the darkness, early on Easter morning, a fire is lit and blessed in front of the church. We’ll huddle together, light the Pascal candle and then our own candles from the New Flame. We’ll chant our way indoors to sit and listen to the stories of God’s people throughout our scripture. And then, with music, bells, and joy, the lights come on and we proclaim the Resurrection and celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter. If one service in the entire year were to attempt to hold the whole meaning of our faith in a risen Christ, it would be this one.

Easter Day Festival Holy Eucharist @ 10 am

This Festival Eucharist marks Christ’s triumph over death – our living reminder of the mystery and miracle of faith. Join us for this joyful celebration. Nursery provided.

Ways to Worship with Us

Wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome at the Lord's Table. For those who cannot attend in person, the service is offered via livestream on our Facebook page or anytime on our website.

  • St. Andrew’s Sunday Worship - 8 am and 10 am. Sunday School (all ages) at 9 am. Nursery care available.

  • In Forks at St. Swithin's -  Each Sunday at 2:30 pm - We meet at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church for Holy Eucharist or Prayer.

  • Mid-week Worship Service each Wednesday in person at 11 am.

    If you need assistance in accessing our worship services, please contact our office 360-457-4862.

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