St. Andrew’s eNews

November 7, 2023

What’s Happening

Tuesday, 11/7 at 2 pm - Centering Prayer

Tuesday, 11/7 at 3 pm -  Bible Study with the Rector

Wednesday,11/8 at 11 am - Holy Eucharist

Sunday, 11/12 at 8 am and 10 am - Holy Eucharist - Creation - Transitional Areas

Sunday, 11/12 at 9 am - Sunday School and Book Study - Nursery provided

Monday, 11/13 at noon - Knitters

Tuesday, 11/14 at 2 pm - Centering Prayer

Tuesday, 11/14 at 3 pm - Bible Study

Coming up:

Tuesday, 11/21 at 7 pm - ecumenical Thanksgiving Service at Methodist Church

Thursday, 11/23 Noon - Thanksgiving Dinner at St. Andrew’s

Thanksgiving Dinner at St. Andrew’s

Nov. 23 at 12 noon

All are welcome and bring your family. We only ask that you sign up with the number of people you’re bringing so we can plan accordingly. Click on the button below and fill out your name and # of people.  If you prefer, you can sign up with pen and paper in the narthex.

Thanksgiving Dinner Sign-up - Click Here

Rector’s Bible Study

Tuesdays at 3:00 in the library.

Join us in the library for conversation around the Sunday Scriptures.  

A Prayer for Gaza

by Lisa Degrenia.  

Prince of Peace, hear our cry
For your beloved in Gaza, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories
It’s complicated
It’s deadly
It’s been that way for far too long

We trust you weep with the injured and grieving
We trust you companion the homeless and abducted
We trust your healing, saving work continues

Bring freedom for all trapped in cycles of oppression and violence
Bring understanding for all chained to manipulation and intolerance
Bring new life from chaos and devastation
despair and death

May streams flow with lasting justice and provision
May deserts blossom with your shalom, salam, and grace
May all involved, in this time, in this place, know the victory of your goodness

For you are the One True Living God
Sovereign, Suffering, Savior
Hope and Home, forever

But let justice roll down like waters,
and righteousness like an everflowing stream.

Amos 5:24

Ways to Worship with Us

Wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome at the Lord's Table. For those who cannot attend in person, the service is offered via livestream on our Facebook page or anytime on our website.

  • St. Andrew’s Sunday Worship - 8 am and 10 am. Sunday School (all ages) at 9 am. Nursery care available.

  • In Forks at St. Swithin's -  Each Sunday at 2:30 pm - We meet at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church for Holy Eucharist or Prayer.

  • Mid-week Worship Service each Wednesday in person at 11 am.

    If you need assistance in accessing our worship services, please contact our office 360-457-4862.

St. Andrew’s Website