"I offer you the choice of life or death, blessing or curse.  Choose life and  then  you and your descendants will live; love the Lord your God...: that is life for you...."  (Deuteronomy 30:19b-20a) "God so loved the world...."  (John 3:16)
As we come to the end of our Creation Season 2023, may we take some time to consider the human intersections with our local and world-wide precious, precious earth environment-- the web of life we are so dependent upon and interwoven with for life itself--as well as the Holy One whose Creation we are so intimately a part of.
In the scientific realm we are learning more and more about the consequences of our actions over the past decades and centuries: harming-helping, ignoring-studying, destroying-protecting, uncaring-loving. Â In the spiritual realm (and they are growing closer through time), Â let us remember Jesus : Bread of Life, Light of the World, giving Living Water. Baba Dioum (Senegalese conservationist) wrote back in 1968, "In the end, we will conserve only what we love...."
Two things I hope we can remember from this Creation Season:
*We are intimately woven  into the interrelationships of the whole world; we cannot survive without the gifts of creation and perhaps a lot of creation cannot survive without the gifts of love we offer it.
*God loves, is interwoven through Christ Incarnate with the whole earth and each tiny part, including each of us.