Setting the Lord's Table

The Altar Guild is committed to assisting the priest by maintaining the historical relevance and procedures of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Liturgy begins and ends with the work of the Altar Guild. To care for the sacred vessels, the bread and the wine, the fair linens and hangings and the candles and torches used for worship in the Sanctuary is far more than a task, it is a true ministry. The contribution of each Altar Guild member is important; together those contributions are a devotion to the greater glory of God. Membership in the Altar Guild is open to anyone in the church who is willing to be trained in the proper procedure and wishes to serve the Lord in this quiet, but meaningful way. The work of the altar guild is rewarding and interesting and each member is assigned one week per month working with a team. If you, man or woman, feel called to take on this ministry, call Debbie Hansen (360)681.5566.
Altar Bread
7/8 cup lukewarm water
1/4 cup honey
2 T oil
1/2 tsp salt
1 pkg dry yeast
2 cups whole wheat flour
2/3 cup white flour
Add yeast to water in a large bowl. Stir in honey, oil and salt. Add the flours and mix with hands or machine. Add a bit more water if necessary.
Turn onto a floured board and knead for 5 minutes. The kneading is important. Place in a slightly greased bowl, cover with a damp cloth and let it rise until double in bulk, about 1 1/2 hours. Knead again.
Roll to thickness of 1/4 inch. Cut into size you want: bowls work well for making rounds. Score cross lines into the loaf out to the edges with a knife but do not cut through. They will separate a bit during the baking. The loaf size will not increase during baking.
Bake on a slightly oiled pan at 350 degrees for 6-8 minutes or so. Cool on rack. Bread may be sealed in plastic and frozen.