St. Andrew’s eNews

December 17, 2024

What’s Happening

Tuesday, 12/17 at 2 pm - Centering Prayer - In the sanctuary

Tuesday, 12/17 at 3 pm - The Path Book Study

Wednesday, 12/18 at 11 am - Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, 12/18 at 6:30 pm - Choir practice

Saturday, 12/21 at 10:30 am - Preparing the Greens for Sunday’s decorating

Saturday, 12/21 at 5:30 pm - Blue Christmas, Solstice - The Longest Night Service

Sunday, 12/22 - 8 am and 10 am - Advent 4 - Love - Holy Eucharist

Sunday, 12/22 following the 10:00 service - Greening of the Church

Advent 4 - Love

Sunday, December 22

As we light the fourth candle, the candle of love, we open our hearts to God’s love.  This love waits to fill our hearts so that we may be signs of God’s extravagant love for the whole world.

“God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him.”

1 John 4:9

Christmas Offering

We rely on the generosity of our church community. If you’re able, please consider making a Christmas offering. Your gift supports our ministry. A special Christmas Offering envelope is included in our Christmas Letter that you’ll be receiving shortly. To donate electronically: Click Here. These end of the year donations will help us to meet our obligation as well as continue our ministries in the community such as Friendship Dinners, MANNA community assistance program, Vacation Bible School, and more.

If you have contributed to St Andrew’s this year and would like an end-of-year report on where you stand with your donations, email the church office at

Many, many thanks to you all for your presence and participation at St. Andrew’s.

The Path Book Study

Tuesdays at 3 pm & Sundays at 9 am  in the Library

We’ll meet today (12/17) at 3:00. No meeting on Sunday 12/22.

Book Study will be on hiatus for Christmas week and New Year’s week.

We’ll resume on Sunday, January 5 at 9 am and Tuesday, January 7 at 3 pm.

Melinda Szatlocky and Anna Magner will be the coordinators this year.  We’ll meet on Saturday, 12/21 at 10:30 to assemble swags and prepare for decorating on Sunday after church.  The church is always beautiful at Christmas and we need you to lend your hands! Thank you, thank you, all! See you on the 21st at 10:30.

Christmas Flowers

Our beautiful Christmas celebration is just around the corner. Submit cash donations in an envelope clearly marked ‘Christmas Flowers’ . Checks can be made out to St. Andrew’s with ‘Christmas Flowers’ in the memo line.  Envelopes can be found on the counter in the narthex. Online donations can be made here. Feel free to include the names of your loved ones to whom you are dedicating your gift. These dedications will be included in the Christmas Eve bulletin.

Ways to Worship with Us

Wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome at the Lord's Table. For those who cannot attend in person, the service is offered via livestream on our Facebook page or anytime on our website.

  • St. Andrew’s Sunday Worship - 8 am and 10 am.  Nursery care available 9 - 11 am.

  • In Forks at St. Swithin's -  Each Sunday at 2:30 pm - St. Swithin’s meets at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church for Holy Eucharist or Prayer.

  • Mid-week Worship Service each Wednesday in person at 11 am.

    If you need assistance in accessing our worship services, please contact our office 360-457-4862.